Got my red hair redone. It was totally manky- horrible orange colour, but its back to normal now looking very funky. I can tell its going to be expensive to maintain longterm.
Sat around the hostel in Cordoba watching movies all day waiting to get our night bus. Alpha Dog with Justin is excellent. It must have been a copy cause I dont even think that is out yet.
Couldnt sleep on the bus. The condensation from the window was streaming onto me like a waterfall and it was freezing. Arrived in Buenas Aires in a daze but our room wasnt ready so headed out to see some sights. Saw the pink palace where Evita spoke to the hoi polloi. We went to a big military exhibition and then to the races. Much nicer than Lepordstown. We broke even which wasnt bad. Was too wrecked to party with the girls last night so went to bed early ie 1.30am here, and finished my book.
Today spent the day walking around by myself. Got completely lost. This city is huge. The only thing that upsets me more than being late is being lost. Everyone loves BA, but Im not feeling it. Despite the hot boys, Im getting sick of the food. The only things to eat here are ham and cheese sandwiches or meat and potatoes. The city is filthy and noisy as well. Were going out to a big club tonight called Opera Bay so maybe after ive had a good night out here, Ill like it a bit more.
Julie! Your hair has got so long!! You look fantastic! My legs started shaking when I saw the pics of your parachute jump! ;-)
Happy Monday!! x
Oh yeah saw Alpha Dog too yesterday! Good flic but v sad! Justin is hot hot hot in it!
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