Tuesday 17 July 2007

Quad Biking

I did quad biking for the first time today. They took us up the mountains to some superb tracks for 4 hours. (Derek you would be proud. It was Yahama bikes all the way). Having never driven a car, the concept of gear changing was completely lost on me. Do you go down a gear when you are going up a hill? I dont know. The guide had to jump on the back of my quad for the whole day so that he could whisper in my ear "up one, down two" or whatever, and even then I managed to confuse it. I had a few hairy moments where I thought I was going to topple the bike, but that only added to the excitment. It was a really wicked day.

I was slightly peeved when I found out that the Israelis on my tour paid half what I did. For those that dont know there are millions of Israelis travelling in South America (The Irish are a close second!) and they are the scabbiest bastards you will ever meet. Theyd eat tuna out of a can for lunch, that sort of stuff. Some of them are really cool by the way before you think Im racist but they are so tight. Apparantly there is a two tier pricing system going on in South America- one for Israelis who get discounts everywhere and one for every other traveller. Rage. They even have a word for Europeans- they call us "payers"! Next time I book something im going to ask for the Israeli price and see what happens.

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