Monday 10 September 2007

Volcano Trek

Banos is a town on the edge of the Oriente so its really lush here and much more like what I thought Ecuador would be. Yesterday I went on a very ardous trek through a cloud forest up a volcano. Any fitness I may have gained from my Salkantay trek has promptly been lost due recent excessive boozing. I thought I was going to die. Luckily there was also a Dutchy Holland girl who was also really slow so it looked like we were both holding up the group, rather than just me. Our unfitness was highlighted by the fact that the others in our group were Americans who studied health and fitness and were obviously very active. Afterwards, we got to cycle down, and even though, they said they were keen mountain bikers, I flew past them. No fear. Maybe no sense either.

I went out last night with the Dutch girl which ended my recent detox. I was pissed after 3 drinks. What a joke. But they were large ones. And I hadn´t eaten much that day. Ha Ha. It was a fun albeit short night. Shes been living here for a month so we went out with all the locals and I got to speak Spanish all night, which I haven´t done in a while.

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