Thursday 13 September 2007

Banos rocks

Its been a laugh a minute the last few days. My friend Laura from Ireland arrived and needless to say weve been on the piss the last few nights. We met a great group of Ozzy & Irish lads so you can imagine the drinking and the messing that went on. One of the guy´s Mum is a gymnastics teacher, so we had a bit of a gymnastics off. Its been a while since Ive done the crab and I need to work on holding that handstand longer. During the day Ive been a busy bee as well. I went cannoying which is about the only adventure sport I haven´t done yet in South America. Its sort of a mix of absailing down waterfalls and gorge walking. I also booked a private rock climbing and bouldering lesson, followed by rappelling. It was so enoyable but Im aching badly today all over. Even laughing hurts my ribs. I got my hair chopped. The split ends were a disgrace. And I had a facial so feel great. Went to the local hot springs last night. Roasting hot water comes direct from the nearby volcano for the baths. Incredible.

The lads were going a different way from me so Ive split with them and am back on my own in a town called Puyo. Banos was by the far the nicest place Ive been in Ecuador so Im sad to leave but I must press on. I checked three hostels here in Puyo but there are no gringos staying in any of them so I really am on my own again. Ah well. Ive got a tv in the room and Ive booked an Amazon jungle tour for tomorrow.


isobel said...

If you get a chance go to Montenita, it's on the coast, I loved it there, there are lots of hot surfer boys to drool over. From what I remember there was only 1 bus there per day and there's was no cash machine there so prepare before you go.

isobel said...
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